Asthma Society Christmas appeal commemorates young Southside boy
Dale Greenwood 30 Nov 2020
On Friday, November 27, students of Good Shepherd National School, Rathfarnham, gathered to support the Asthma Society Christmas Appeal, and to commemorate the life of former classmate Ross Edwards who attended the school before he died, aged 11, of an asthma attack in June of this year.

His family and friends are devastated by his loss. His mother, Michelle Edwards, said: “I didn’t know that asthma can kill, but it can. I’m appealing to people to support the Asthmas Society Christmas Appeal in Ross’s name this Christmas.
“I would also encourage all those living with asthma to seek help from the Asthma Society of Ireland and to reach out to them with any questions, large or small, to help them manage their condition.”
You can support the Asthma Society Christmas Appeal by sending a loved one a virtual bauble in lieu of a present this year, or by purchasing a virtual star in memory of someone via