Barnardos issues bogus fundraisers alert
Dublin People 07 Jun 2016
THE Barnardos children’s charity has issued a warning that a small number of bogus fundraisers have been operating in the areas of Killiney and Greystones.
The people concerned have been collecting cash door to door in residential areas claiming they are fundraising on behalf of the charity.
In a statement, the charity said that if a member of the public is unsure whether a door-to-door fundraiser is legitimate, they should they ask to see their ID and contact Barnardos on 1800911100.
“Barnardos asks anyone who notices suspicious fundraising activity to report it to their local Gardai and to the charity,” they stated.
A legitimate Barnardos door-to-door direct debit fundraiser will always have photo ID on display, with the registered charity number and a telephone number (1800911100) you can call to check the fundraiser is legitimate.
They always wear a green or white Barnardos t-shirt and never ask for cash at the door.
They will always carry an iPad to securely enter direct debit details and will never call at your house after 8pm or at the weekend.
“Barnardos appreciates the incredible commitment and support of the thousands of genuine fundraisers around the country who raise money to support the charity’s work with vulnerable children and families in Ireland,” the charity stated.