Labour councillor Meenagh urgers public to be weary of fraudsters
Gary Ibbotson 24 May 2021
Glasnevin and Cabra councillor Declan Meenagh is urging the public to be vigilant if they suspect they are being targeted by fraudsters.
The call comes after the HSE cyber attack which let many people’s personal details vulnerable to be stolen.
“The appalling attack on our health services by hackers and the possible leaking of personal medical data on the dark web is an unprecedented development, and while we don’t know if information will be released, it is important that people know what to do if they are contacted with their personal information.
“Releasing someone patient data is a really despicable crime and I hope the hackers don’t resort to such a horrible act, but we must also be prepared.
“The Garda National Cyber Crime Bureau is investigating the cyber-attack, but if you are contacted with your data the key things that Gardaí advise is do not engage with the caller, and do not click on any links in emails or text messages, and to screenshot any communications.
The advice from Gardaí is clear.
“If you are contacted by persons stating that they have your personal details and/or looking for bank account details you should not engage or provide any personal information.
“If this does happen, we are encouraging people to report suspected breaches of personal data which will be examined by specialist investigators.
“Such reports will be handled in a sensitive manner.
“I welcome that the government have taken on board the call from Labour Party Leader Alan Kelly to ensure there is clear advice and supports such as a dedicated phone line in place for people if they are contacted with their data.”