Busy weekend for Skerries RNLI volunteers
Padraig Conlon 25 Jan 2021
Shortly before 4.30pm on Friday afternoon Dublin Coast Guard tasked Skerries RNLI, following a call from An Garda Síochána, reporting that a number of people had been cut off by the rising tide on Barnageeragh beach.

The lifeboat was launched and proceeded to the area indicated.
The crew quickly spotted one adult and three children at the base of the cliff above the waterline.
The lifeboat was manoeuvred as close as possible before one of the volunteers was sent ashore to assess the situation.
The casualties were not injured, however, conditions underfoot in the area were very poor due to a large number of submerged rocks covered in seaweed and algae.
Following a consultation with members of the Skerries Coast Guard unit who were at the top of the cliff, it was decided that due to the falling temperatures and rapidly fading light, the safest option would be to request the assistance of the Coast Guard helicopter Rescue 116.
The crew member stayed with the casualties to reassure them and keep them calm until the helicopter arrived and to offer any assistance required to the helicopter crew.
The casualties were winched aboard the helicopter and brought safely to their base at Dublin Airport. The lifeboat recovered their fellow crewman before returning to the station and preparing the lifeboat and station for the next call. The casualties later returned home safe and well.
Yesterday the volunteer crew were paged again shortly after 12.30pm following a call to Dublin Coast Guard from a concerned family member when a swimmer in Skerries had not returned at the expected time.
The lifeboat launched immediately and made it’s way around the headland to the swimming platform known locally as The Springers.
Upon arrival it was quickly established that the swimmer had since made it safely ashore. They were very well equipped for cold water swimming and required no assistance.
The lifeboat was stood down and returned to the station.
Speaking about the call out, volunteer Lifeboat Press Officer for Skerries RNLI, Gerry Canning said:
“Friday afternoon was a fantastic example of how well all the emergency services work together, with full time emergency service personnel and volunteers working alongside each other seamlessly to get the best possible outcome.
“Thankfully the call for the swimmer on Sunday was a false alarm with good intent.
“We encourage anyone who thinks someone may be in difficulty in or near the sea to dial 999 and ask for the Coast Guard. The earlier they make that call the better.”