Garda Operation of seized scrambler motorbikes, Ballyfermot and Clondalkin

Padraig Conlon 27 Jan 2022

Gardaí in Clondalkin carried out a planned operation yesterday morning to target the illegal use of scrambler motorbikes in the Ballyfermot and Clondalkin area in recent times.

As part of the operation five residential properties were searched under warrant as a result of ongoing investigations into a number of incidents of criminal damage in public parks and endangerment to members of the public by the users of these high powered motorbikes.

Gardai say that as a result of the searches seven scrambler motorbikes and one quad bike (pictured above) were seized.

At this stage of the investigation two of the bikes seized are confirmed as stolen and we are currently in the process of reuniting them with their rightful owners.

No persons were arrested during this morning’s operation and investigations are ongoing.

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