Housing for All delay over financing issues “very alarming” says Southside TD
Padraig Conlon 23 Jul 2021
People Before Profit TD and housing spokesperson Richard Boyd Barrett has described the delay of the governments Housing for All strategy as “very alarming.”

He also said the government now needs to ‘stop the in-fighting’ and urgently invest in the provision of public and affordable housing so as to end the control of the property sector by vulture funds and property investors.
“It is very alarming that the government have now postponed their Housing for All plan in a row seemingly over finance,” Deputy Boyd Barrett said.
“It would be madness if this was the case. We need an immediate end to this in-fighting. Housing is a right and far too important for senior ministers to be squabbling over.
“Now more than ever we need money invested by the state into public and affordable housing. Instead the government have been pumping approximately €1 Billion into HAPs, RAS and leasing arrangements, which do not provide security of tenure for tenants, rip off the taxpayer and only serve to line the pockets of the developers and mega-investors.
“Every euro which that state invests in public and affordable housing will save us billions in the long run and can end the reliance on vulture funds, cuckoo funds and property investors.”