SDCC considering implementing pay and display parking in Newcastle and Saggart
Padraig Conlon 01 Mar 2021
South Dublin County Council is considering implementing pay and display parking in Newcastle and Saggart at a fee of €1 per hour.

The proposal for Saggart Village includes pay and display parking starting at Church Road/Main Street (Garter Lane) from its junction with Mill Road to the western boundary of St. Mary’s National School.
The proposal for Newcastle Village includes pay and display on Main Street from its junction with Newcastle Boulevard via the R120 to its junction with the Peamount Road and then via the R405 to its junction with the Hazelhatch Road.
Having completed a public consultation on parking bye laws across the county last year, South Dublin County Council have now given notice specifically in relation to Saggart Village and Newcastle Village.
It is proposed that pay and display parking will be introduced at both of these locations.
“It is very important for residents, school communities and local businesses to have their say regarding these proposed changes,” said local TD Emer Higgins.
“Saggart village lost two on street parking spaces with the recent plaza upgrade, leaving only a few spaces in the heart of the village, close to the local post office.”
Both proposals are currently open for public consultation at or by posting your submission to the Senior Executive Officer, Land Use Planning and Transportation Department, South Dublin County Council, County Hall. Posted submissions should be titled “Draft Control of Parking Bye Laws – Saggart Village/Newcastle Village”.
Local Fine Gael Councillor Shirley O Hara said, “I would encourage people to look at the proposal and decide what impact this will have on the two villages.
“It is very easy to make a submission in writing or online by 26th March.”