Dublin angler nets record-breaking fish
Dublin People 22 Feb 2019
A DUBLIN angler netted one of four new Irish record-breaking fish that were caughtlast year.
According to the just published Irish Specimen Fish Committee (ISFC) report, new records were set for four marine species – Golden Grey Mullet, Thin Lipped Mullet, Black Bream and Tope.
The mullet species were taken in Cork while the Tope was caught by angler Stephen Hanway, from Walkingstown, caught the tope weighing 34.02 kg at Greystones, Co Wicklow in October 2018.
Noel Lane, from Cork, took a thin-lipped mullet weighing 2.95kg from Cork Harbour in July.
A golden grey mullet of 1.52kg was caught in Cork by Stephen O’Neill in August.
And a black sea bream of 1.45kg was caught by Welsh angler Gordon Thornes at Kilmore Quay on September 17.
As well as the new record, detailed information on 393 specimen of large fish taken by anglers from venues throughout Ireland in 2018, comprises many different species, is detailed in the report.
The main species were smaller sharks like Smoothhound and Spurdog and, in fresh-water, Carp and Pike dominated. All fish were caught, weighed, measured and released.
The Irish Specimen Fish Committee report is available on the ISFC website www.irish-trophy-fish.com or from the Inland Fisheries Ireland website http://www.fisheriesireland.ie.
The ISFC Awards Day, when anglers were presented with their awards and certificates, was held in February in conjunction with Irish Angling Show weekend.
Founded in 1955, the Irish Specimen Fish Committee is an independent voluntary body that represents angling interests in Ireland.
Their principal function is to verify, record and publicise the capture of large fish caught on rod and line by anglers in Ireland, both in fresh-water and marine waters. The committee also ratifies Irish record rod caught fish.
The ISFC coordinates and administers the unique specimen awards scheme which is designed to recognise any angler who catches a specimen fish and to publicise the angling venue. Successful anglers are awarded a certificate and a commemorative badge.
Specially commissioned silver medals are also presented to captors of record fish.