New Liberties music programme sounds great

Dublin People 30 Sep 2017
Budding singer Eva (13) is pictured at the launch of The Liber8 Music Project with Fiach Mac Conghail, (left) CEO at The Digital Hub and Kieran McGuinness of BIMM Institute Dublin and lead singer and guitarist from the band Delorentos.

A UNIQUE, ground-breaking afterschool music programme for teens in the Liberties has been un-veiled for the first time.

The Digital Hub and BIMM Institute Dublin are collaborating on the pilot project for 13-to-17-year olds living within and around the Dublin 8 area.

‘The Liber8 Music Project’ will bring on board some of Dublin’s most renowned musicians as tutors to the students.

They will include Kieran McGuinness, lead singer and guitarist from Delorentos, Louise McNamara, vocalist and guitarist in the twin sister duo group Heathers and James Byrne, drummer for Mercury-nominated and Choice-prize-winning band, Villagers.  

The Liber8 Music Project has been designed to offer young people, who may have limited exposure to music and digital media, an opportunity to immerse themselves in a creative environment, while being introduced to some of the 21st century skills necessary to support their future ca-reers.

The pilot programme will run during the 2017/2018 academic year with two classes of 20 young people attending the 10-week programme. 

The classes will be held twice a week at The Digital Hub and BIMM Institute Dublin with the first group starting in October 2017.

The Liber8 Music Project is free to attend for successful applicants. 

Fiach Mac Conghail, Chief Executive Officer at The Digital Hub, said: “We are excited to launch this new learning initiative with one of our local partners, BIMM Institute Dublin.

“Our community is located in one of Dublin City’s most vibrant districts. Now its young residents will have a wonderful opportunity to unleash their creativity and learn new music and digital media skills in a fun environment.”

Course content for The Liber8 Music Project has been specifically developed by music education experts and practitioners within BIMM Institute Dublin.

Over the course of 10 weeks, young people will complete three modules.

 The ‘Music Styles’ module will invite participants to go on a journey through various styles of music, what they sound like and what they mean.

In the ‘Introduction to Performance Techniques’ module, the young people will learn to use the guitar, bass, drums or vocals, culminating with a live performance at the end of the programme.

Finally, in the ‘An Introduction to Recording and Sound Design’ module, participants will explore the use of technology to make the music they love.

College Principal at BIMM Institute, Alan Cullivan, added: “We are aiming to play a part in exposing students from Dublin 8 to life at a third level college with the aim of reinforcing the idea that attending college is an attractive option, as well as a realistic goal. 

“With an established presence in the heart of the Liberties on Francis Street and The Coombe since 2011, BIMM Institute Dublin is actively supporting and adding to the development of the local community by establishing this exciting new project in collaboration with the team at The Digital Hub.”

The Liber8 Music Project will be rolled out as part of The Digital Hub’s expanding range of community learning initiatives with the Liberties area of Dublin 8.

Budding musical artists can apply online through The Digital Hub website.

Closing date for completed applications is Mon-day, October 2.


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