Moore Street Trust lodges appeal against latest DCC planning approval
Gary Ibbotson 19 Jul 2022
The Moore Street Preservation Trust has lodged its appeal against the latest decision by Dublin City Council to grant planning permission to UK developers Hammerson in its latest proposal to redevelop Moore Street.

Spokesperson for the trust, James Connolly Heron, great-grandson of James Connolly, said it is “essential” that An Bórd Pleanála grants an oral hearing on the appeals.
“For An Bórd Pleanála to fully assess these plans and the depth and breadth of the appeals an oral hearing is essential,” he said.
“It beggars belief that the Board refused oral hearings on the appeals against the two previous Moore Street plans from Hammerson, on which decisions are awaited.
“A refusal to grant an oral hearing on this third appeal would further undermine already greatly shaken public confidence in the planning process.
“This is an historic site of national and international importance and the plans of Hammerson must be subjected to the full rigours of the planning system, such as they are.
“The least that is required now is an oral hearing and this call is central to our appeal.”