Councillor says ‘skateboard park and BMX Track needed in Ballymun and Finglas’
Padraig Conlon 10 Jan 2022
Independent Dublin City Councillor Noeleen Reilly says she is calling on Dublin City Council to look at alternative sports and build a skateboard Park and BMX Track in both Ballymun and Finglas.

Speaking after a visit to a newly constructed park in Ballyfermot she said,
“It was great to see the facilities in Ballyfermot and to hear the stories of how successful it has been since it open last year.
Children and Teenagers of all ages have developed a love for the sport which is now included in the Olympic games.
Ballymun was promised a Skateboard park during the regeneration but it never materialised. Now is the time to follow up on that commitment and provide both Ballymun and Finglas with a park.
It is important to capture the interests of all children and not just cater for the traditional sports as has always been done.
Skateboarding is a fantastic way to keep children active and improve their mental health.
Getting young people away from their computer screens and out in the open air has to be a priority. The trill of skateboarding and BMX can provide an alternative experience.”
She further added,
“I’ve requested Dublin City Council carry out a feasibility study about developing these parks in the area and to look at prime locations which would attract the most participation.
I personally think this is a no brainer, their is ample park area available and lots of willing young people to get involved.”