Moore Street alternative plan to be presented to DCC planners
Gary Ibbotson 10 Nov 2021
The Moore Street Preservation Trust and 1916 Relatives are to present their alternative plan for Moore Street to city planners on today at the Civic Offices on Wood Quay.

This follows the decision by planners to seek further information on the Hammerson planning applications and their request for a new public notice due to the the significance of the revisions presented.
Spokesperson James Connolly Heron said in a statement: “There is general agreement that this area must be protected and preserved and developed in accordance with its status as the most important historic site in modern Irish history.
“The Trust Plan is the only plan that has general support across the board.
“It is the only plan that meets all the recommendations of the Ministers Advisory Group,the objectives of The Dublin Development Plan and European guidelines and Charters on the protection of historic buildings and sites.
“Crucially it meets the welcome recommendations of the Department itself who in their submission to city planners state that “the extent of demolition proposed for Moore Street and Henry street is unnecessary and unwarranted” and that buildings now almost 100 years ago were of significance in forming an important part of the urban streetscape.
“The Department recommends that the planning authority consider an alternative design of the redevelopment of the site allowing for the retention and sensitive adaptation for re use of significant existing structures.
“The Trust Plan is that alternative design,” he says.