Malahide pedestrianisation gets the green light
Padraig Conlon 17 Jan 2024
Fingal County Council has decided to proceed with Public Realm improvements for a pedestrianised New Street in Malahide with detailed design work set to commence in the coming weeks.

The decision to proceed with the extensive public realm improvements was made at last night’s Council meeting and follows a period of extensive public consultation with Malahide businesses and residents.
This resulted in a preliminary design which was published in 2023 with 3D images and video demonstrating how the planned works will enhance the heart of Malahide village and provide an attractive, sustainable, and welcoming environment to be enjoyed by people of all ages and mobility levels.
The planned works include upgrade of footpath and street surfaces, a new landscaping scheme, improved outdoor dining and new public seating areas.
It also includes a water feature and bike parking and will incorporate essential sustainable urban drainage (SUDs) and public lighting improvements.
The Public realm upgrades designed also support Fingal’s Climate Action objectives, providing a car free environment with improved air quality and reduced emissions at the centre of Malahide village.
Mayor of Fingal, Cllr Adrian Henchy, says Malahide will benefit from this important investment.
“The public realm improvements for a pedestrianised New Street will safeguard the sustainable future of Malahide, both as a landmark tourism destination and a thriving local community,” he said.
“The design has been enhanced by input from the emergency services, residents, businesses, and Disabled Persons Organisations (DPOs), so that everyone will truly be welcome in the newly improved space that will link in with the Village Green at the bottom of the street.”
Chief Executive of Fingal County Council, AnnMarie Farrelly, welcomed the announcement saying:
“The decision to proceed marks a big step forward for the New Street project.
“In the coming months the integrated design team will continue their work to transform the street and I look forward to it moving to the procurement phase.”
David Storey, Director of Environment, Climate Action, Active Travel and Sport, added that businesses in Malahide will benefit from the upgrades. “European evidence is that people cycling and walking make more frequent trips and have a higher per visit spend than those driving.
“Closer to home, on Capel Street in Dublin City Centre and in Blackrock village, traders have been very positive about the impacts on their bottom line when pedestrian priority was introduced.”