Gardaí seize over €200,000 worth of cocaine in Coolock search
Gary Ibbotson 14 Dec 2022
Gardaí seized over €200,000 of cocaine during a seach in Coolock yesterday.

“As part of Operation Tara and ongoing investigations into the sale and supply of drugs, the Divisional Drugs Unit in Coolock assisted by a number of other units conducted a search under warrant at a residential premises in Coolock on the morning of Tuesday 13th December, 2022,” a Garda spokesperson said.
“During the course of the search 3kg of cocaine with an estimated street value of €211,400 was seized along with two large scale industrial weight press units, bagging equipment and other items of drugs paraphernalia. The drugs are now subject to analysis by Forensic Science Ireland (FSI).
“No arrests were made during the search and investigations are ongoing.”