Developers say plans for Donabate development ‘will be amended following local concerns’
Padraig Conlon 05 Dec 2022
Aledo Donabate, the developers of the Corballis East project in Donabate, have announced today that they will be seeking permission to amend elements of their approved Strategic Housing Development (SHD) scheme to address concerns raised by Fingal County Council and local residents.

The company was granted planning permission on 14th November for 1,323 new homes on the Donabate site but will be submitting a further application in early 2023 to revise these plans.
The new proposals will see:
- The majority of the apartment buildings removed from the plan
- A significant reduction in the overall density of the site
- At least 300 units removed from the overall scheme
- A reduction in the height where visual impact is of concern
A “pre-application” review of the proposed amendments has already commenced with Fingal County Council.
Commenting on the announcement, Aledo Donabate’s Director, Michael Cannon, said; ‘‘In the past we have engaged with local groups and their representatives, at which time we were collaboratively working towards a lower density, housing led model.
“Whilst we are pleased to have received the approval from An Bord Pleanála we feel that amendments could be beneficial to align our respective objectives and hopefully address local concerns.
“As always, we welcome engagement and have reached out to community representatives as we value their input in determining how best to proceed forward in the interest of all stake-holders.
”There are many other hugely positive aspects to the approved permission , such as the 35-acre Nature Park and the pedestrian and cycle links to the Broadmeadow Greenway, Newbridge Demesne and Donabate Train Station.
“The permission also includes a local retail centre and 3 creches, not to mention a 3.5 acre reserved site for a new 24 classroom Gaelscoil.’’
The development is ideally situated in the heart of Donabate with access from the Donabate Distributor Road and access from the existing Balcarrick Road and Smyths Bridge House, opposite Donabate Train Station.
Aledo Donabate say they anticipate being on site and commencing construction in early 2023.