Swimmers to take part in Lambay to Bull Island Relay in aid of Family Carers Ireland
Gary Ibbotson 04 Jul 2022
A team of six avid sea swimmers are looking to complete a historic first by swimming from Lambay to Bull Island on Saturday, July 9 in support of family carers.

Taking to the seas are Dr Aidan Hampson, Frank Cope, Dave Cherry, Sarah Mortimer, who previously swam the English Channel, Eoin Boyle and Damien Kelly.
The 24 km swim aims to raise awareness of and much needed funds for Family Carers Ireland, the national charity supporting the 500,000+ family carers across the country who care at home for loved ones with additional needs.
As a GP of 43 years, Dr Aidan Hampson says has seen all too often the struggle of family carers and his inspiration for this challenge comes from the O’Donovan family from Swords and the remarkable care they provide for Jack (19) who has cerebral palsy, epilepsy, is a wheelchair user, PEG-fed and non-verbal.
Dr Hampson has been Jack’s GP since his birth.
“Jack is just one of those people that lights up any room he enters, as does his mum – always smiling and always positive,” he says.
“As a society, we need to look beyond disabilities and truly see wonderful young people with additional needs such as Jack.
“We also need to see and recognise his family who provide remarkable 24/7 care for Jack and who have helped to make him the incredible young man he is today.
“Family carers go unnoticed, I see this every day with my profession,” he says.
“They so often forget about their own health and wellbeing so we want people to know about Family Carers Ireland who have been a huge support to Jack’s family and thousands more around the country.
“It’s time we shone a bright light on the staggering level of work being done the length and breadth of the country by family carers – as it is work that too often goes without any break or support.
“Through our love of sea swimming, we want to give back to a charity we feel needs a lot more exposure and recognition.”
Jack’s mother, Lynsey O’Donovan said: “Aidan is like a family member to us and has always been so caring to Jack and all of us.
“He’ll always make sure to ask how we are doing as a family and I truly appreciate that.
“When he told me about this challenge, we automatically wanted to raise funds for Family Carers Ireland. They have been a massive support to us so it’s a nice opportunity for us to give back.”
Catherine Cox, Head of Communications and Policy, Family Carers Ireland said: “This is such an exciting challenge and one that perfectly highlights the work and sheer resilience of family carers.
“It’s heart-warming to see this team come together to acknowledge and appreciate family carers and to raise vital funds, allowing us as a charity to continue providing essential supports and services.
“It is imperative that family carers like the O’ Donovans get the help and support they need as we firmly believe that no one should have to care alone.”