Construction of all weather pitch and car park, Ward River Valley Regional Park, Swords – working hour extended
Padraig Conlon 21 Mar 2022
Fingal County Council say that in order to expedite the completion of the construction phase of the All Weather Facilities and Car Park at the Ward River Valley Regional Park, Swords, the construction site working hours will be extended from today, Monday, March 21.

The contractor will be permitted to enter the site at 7.00 am and commence plant movements at 7.30am.
The council say the extension of working hours will result in a reduction in the duration of the works in the park and of the impact on park users and bring the park, including the new facilities, back into unrestricted use at the earliest possible date.
Currently, construction work is progressing on the foundation layer to the All Weather GAA pitch and the installation of the floodlighting system in tandem with preparatory works to the new car park, the renovated soccer pitch and the new training area between the car park and the existing GAA pitch.
The works programme indicates that the facility will be ready for opening to the public in Summer 2022.
“Fingal County Council would like to thank park-users and local residents for their understanding and cooperation during these construction works,” a spokesperson said.