Fingal councillors vote to reduce property tax by 10%
Gary Ibbotson 13 Jul 2021
At Monday’s monthly council meeting, Fingal councillors voted to reduce the 2021 local property tax by 10% for householders in the county.

Each year councillors have the option to make an adjustment to the LPT of up to 15% with this being the fifth successive year that bills have been reduced by 10%.
Councillors voted by 31 votes to eight to reduce the LPT.
The Chief Executive of Fingal County Council, AnnMarie Farrelly, said the decision of councillors will benefit both the householders and the communities they live in.
“Householders will be paying 10% less as a result of this decision to apply a reduction to Local Property Tax bills and the Council will ringfence the €1.9m, generated by the decision not to apply the full 15% reduction, for a range of services in important areas such as housing, parks and open spaces, operations, community and libraries,” she said.
“This is the fifth year we have been able to give householders a 10% reduction while creating a fund for local services. Having that extra funding has made a tangible difference across the county and I would like to thank our Elected Members for their continued support.
“The cost of providing local services increased during the COVID-19 pandemic as more and more people discovered what their local areas had to offer and, as we move out of the pandemic with more and more people being vaccinated, I want to maintain the level of service we have been providing.”
The council’s management team is currently working with the Corporate Policy Group and the various political parties to agree the 2022-2024 Capital Plan and the 2022 Budget which will be brought before Council in October and November respectively for approval.