Dublin Port workers vote for industrial action in pay dispute
Gary Ibbotson 09 Jul 2021
SIPTU members employed by Doyle Shipping Group (DSG) at Dublin Port have overwhelming voted in favour of industrial action in a dispute concerning their pay, terms and conditions of employment and safety concerns within their workplace.

SIPTU Organiser, Jim McVeigh, said: “SIPTU representatives have formally notified DSG management of our members’ intention to take industrial action, in the form of rolling 72-hour work stoppages, commencing on Monday, July 19.
“This decision was taken by our members due to the continued refusal of management to recognise SIPTU as their union of choice for the purpose of collective bargaining.
“Our members in DSG are among the lowest paid workers in Dublin Port.
“Over recent years they have, through their SIPTU representatives, tried to engage management in negotiations to secure decent wages and conditions of employment.
“They are deeply concerned and angered by the continued refusal of management to negotiate with them on a collective basis.
“Their anger has been further compounded by the refusal of management to discuss serious safety concerns at the company.”
He added: “SIPTU representatives are available to immediately engage with management on all the issues in dispute.
“There is a strong resolve among our members to continue with rolling 72-hour work stoppages until a resolution to their issues is achieved.”
DSG provides a number of services at Dublin Port, including the loading and off-loading of cargo.