Skerries RNLI respond to reports of swimmer in distress
Padraig Conlon 27 Jan 2021
Skerries RNLI were tasked on Monday afternoon at 4pm following a call to Dublin Coast Guard from a member of the public who was concerned for the wellbeing of a swimmer who had entered the water from the south beach in Rush.

The lifeboat was launched and proceeded directly to the beach in Rush.
Arriving on scene, the lifeboat proceeded to carry out a rapid search of the area while proceeding towards the end of the beach initially indicated by the caller.
With nothing found, two volunteer crew made their way ashore to find the caller to get a better indicator of the casualties’ location.
They were informed by a member of the public that a land based Coast Guard unit were further up the beach and may have spoken to the casualty.
The Coast Guard unit confirmed that they had spoken to the swimmer and they did not need any assistance. The crew returned to the lifeboat and they made their way back to Skerries where the boat was washed, decontaminated and made ready for the next service.
Speaking about the call out, volunteer Lifeboat Press Officer for Skerries RNLI, Gerry Canning said: “This was another case of a false alarm with good intent.
“The member of the public was genuinely concerned for the swimmer and did the right thing in dialling 999 and asking for the Coast Guard.”