Fingal County Council launches public consultation on R132 connectivity project
Padraig Conlon 17 Nov 2020
Fingal County Council, in conjunction with the National Transport Authority, is seeking to improve connectivity for pedestrians and cyclists across and along the R132.

In order to achieve this upgrade works to the R132 in Swords are proposed.
According to Fingal County Council these upgrade works will enhance facilities at and between key crossing points along the R132 outlined below, improving connectivity for pedestrians and cyclists travelling both north-south along and east-west across the R132.
The works will allow for safer and more convenient crossing points between existing and proposed developments. This will also improve connectivity to local amenities such as bus stops.
An online non-statutory public consultation has been launched today and Fingal County Council welcomes any comments the public might have on the proposal.
The proposed works includes the following:
Upgrade works between the north of Pinnock Hill Roundabout and north of Estuary Roundabout, to facilitate installation of new protected cycle and pedestrian facilities, retention of one bus and one general traffic lane in each direction, removal of hard shoulders and/or general traffic lanes, and reduction in speed limit to 50km
2. Three new signal controlled crossing points provided along the R132 located as follows
- North of Pinnockhill Roundabout
- Adjacent existing Chapel Lane/Ashley Avenue overbridge
- North of Estuary Roundabout
- The following three existing roundabouts will be changed to signalised intersections to facilitate pedestrian and cyclist facilities:
- Malahide Road Roundabout
- Seatown Roundabout
- Estuary Roundabout
- Partial/full closure of Drynam Road connection to the R132/Malahide Road Roundabout
The objective of this scheme is, primarily, to improve the connectivity and safety of pedestrians and cyclists moving along and across the R132.
Fingal County Council, in recent times, have published a number of masterplans and policies, which together with schemes such as MetroLink and BusConnects, propose changing the nature of the R132, from a fast-moving distributor road to one which functions as an urban street with defined crossing points, which are safe and convenient for all road users.
This scheme aligns with these national and local plans and is the first step in improving access across and along the R132 for all.
Mayor of Fingal Councillor David Healy said:
“This ambitious connectivity project sees plans for considerable improvements to the R132 which will facilitate active travel for pedestrians and cyclists and also improve connectivity for local businesses.
“I would encourage everyone to engage with the consultation process .”
Speaking to mark the launch of the public consultation on this project, Director of Planning and Strategic Infrastructure Matthew McAleese urged interested groups and individuals to have their say:
“This scheme aligns with these national and local plans and is the first step in improving access across and along the R132 for all and the public consultation is a key opportunity for everyone to ensure that their views are considered.
“We actively encourage all interested parties to participate in the process.
“These works will provide high levels of safety for pedestrians and cyclists and will change the nature of the R132 to one that is safe and convenient for all road users.
“The proposed signalised junctions will allow for a better level of control for vehicles through the junction and will promote lower vehicle speeds which which improve overall road safety along this route”.
The preferred plans and reports and information regarding submissions for the proposed scheme are available to view online at Submissions or observations on the proposed scheme may be made from 17th of November 2020 and must arrive no later than 5pm on 15th of December 2020.