Level 5 reaction : Eviction ban reinstatement welcomed
Padraig Conlon 20 Oct 2020
Homeless charity Depaul has welcomed the reinstatement of the eviction ban as part of measures announced by the Government last night.

The new measures will come into effect on midnight tomorrow.
The charity revealed that during the period (March to August) they have supported 1,759 adults and 530 children and provided approximately 225,000 meals.
In addition, the charity has supported 256 people, including 166 children and 140 adults, to successfully move away from Direct Provision living and to integrate into communities all across Ireland.
Speaking on the reinstatement of the eviction ban Depaul’s CEO David Carroll said;
“The reintroduction of the eviction ban is very welcome given the uncertainty at this time.
“With many businesses closing and people losing their livelihoods the prospect of homelessness is very real.
“The eviction ban, along with other measures, had helped to bring the numbers experiencing homelessness down during the initial Covid period.
“At this time, we need to ensure that nobody becomes homeless and we do all we can to prevent this from happening.”
Currently there are 8,702 people homeless in Ireland. This includes 6,082 adults and 2,620 children, with 1,120 families homeless.