NTA publishes new bus network for Dublin
Padraig Conlon 25 Sep 2020
Following three rounds of public consultation the National Transport Authority (NTA) has today published the new Dublin Area bus network.

This new bus network plan is the final version resulting from previous redesign proposals and with consideration given to issues raised by 72,000 submissions.
The implementation of the New Network will take place on a phased basis over a number of years starting in 2021, subject to Government funding.
The bus network plan published today is for bus services only and a separate 3rd round of public consultation for the Core Bus Corridor (bus lanes and cycle lanes/tracks) will take place later this year.
The NTA say the new Dublin Area bus network will provide “a more coherently planned, higher capacity, more understandable network, delivering a better overall bus system for the Dublin region”.
It will consist of spines radiating from the city centre.
Spines are very frequent routes made up of individual bus services timetabled to work together along a corridor. At the end of the corridor, the individual services branch off to serve different areas. The network will also include orbitals across the North, West and South areas of Dublin, additional local area services, peak only and express services.
The new network will see increased evening and weekend services, with most frequent routes operating every 15 minutes or better on weekdays and Saturdays, most on Sundays also.
There will be a number of routes that will operate 24 hours a day.
These services will operate throughout the night to support the night time economy across Dublin.
Overall the level of bus services in the Dublin network will increase by 23% as a result of the new network.
Other benefits of the New Network include:
- A 23% overall increase in bus services
- Increased capacity, particularly for all day services
- A more easily understood city network
- Better access to bus services for passengers
- New connections to schools, hospitals and other essential services
All information related to the New Dublin Area Bus Network can be viewed and downloaded at www.busconnects.ie.
This includes a map of the overall network, local area maps, the consultation report and a summary document.
The Consultation report and summary document can also be viewed in Irish, HTML and audio versions of both documents are also available.