Dublin Senator says Government must act on security groups
Padraig Conlon 17 Aug 2020
A review into the conduct of gardaí during a recent eviction in Dublin is “not enough” according to a local Senator.

Speaking after the announcement that there will be a review of Garda conduct at the eviction on Berkeley Road on August 12, Labour party Senator in Dublin Central Marie Sherlock said it cannot “be an end in itself.”
“This review must produce a clear community policing code of conduct to cover future eviction situations,” Senator Sherlock said.
“This is critical to maintaining public confidence in community policing in the inner city and beyond.
“So much work has been put into developing community policing in Dublin in recent years and this must not be undermined.”
Nine people living in a house on Berkeley Road spent the night in emergency accommodation last Wednesday after being evicted by men wearing face coverings and dark clothing who appeared to be working for a private security company.
Several tenants, who have lived at the house for years, say they did not receive the required notice for an eviction to take place.
“The eviction last week was wrong on so many levels,” Senator Sherlock said.
“It starkly showed the inadequacy of existing residential tenancies legislation and its weakness in protecting law abiding tenants.
“There is little or no protection for a tenant who continues to pay their rent to a landlord who in turn is in dispute with a lender.
“The eviction was wrong as it sought to make up to nine persons homeless in the middle of a pandemic.
“Ironically, this eviction would not have been legally possible 10 days earlier as the Government moved to lift the eviction ban for certain categories of tenants on August 2.
“Lastly, it showed the complete absence of regulation surrounding who can undertake evictions in this country.”
Senator Sherlock also called for a review into the activity of the persons who evicted the tenants.
“The licensing of certain security services is tightly regulated in Ireland under the Private Security Authority,” she said.
“However, this does not extend to eviction enforcement.
“The Government must not be left off the hook on this incident.”