Northside and Southside People to hit the streets this week
Dublin People 07 Aug 2020
Dear readers/advertisers,

We are delighted to announce that the much-loved Northside People (East and West editions) and Southside People will hit the streets this week.
These iconic local newspaper titles will once again serve our local communities, continuing a tradition established more than 33 years ago, after a temporary suspension in publication caused by the Covid-19 crisis.
Despite a major and unprecedented challenge for all, we are still Dublin’s leading local newspaper group, with an official readership of 257,000 loyal readers.
DPG Publications Ltd is now up and running with many of our original, amazing staff working on these valuable newspapers, which provided such a vital contribution to local community life for so many years.
We would like to thank our many advertisers for their great support and we are excited by the prospect of continuing to serve them and our readers across Dublin into the future.
Look out for Dublin’s largest and most-popular local news brands, Northside People and Southside People, in our distribution points across the city all this week and our digital online edition which is now live!