Group set up to mark 1916
Dublin People 31 Oct 2015
A COMMITTEE comprising 10 people has been set up in the Howth, Sutton and Baldoyle areas to organise events to commemorate the participation by local communities in the 1916 Rising and the struggle for national independence.

The committee will have support from Fingal County Council and is also hoping that the Department of the Marine comes on board.
It is formulating plans to celebrate the centenary in a number of different ways, with sub-groups formed to work on various aspects of the commemoration, including researching local participation in the Rising and publishing this information, and organising a variety of commemorative musical events, talks, film showings and exhibitions. The committee is also hoping to move the plaque on the East Pier in Howth, commemorating the Asgard’s landing there with arms and ammunition for the Irish Volunteers on July 26 1914, to a more prominent location together with additional information.
In addition, it is hoped to commission an Asgard monument to be erected on the seafront promenade again with the co-operation of the Department of the Marine and Fingal County Council. Expressions of interest and design suggestions for this monument are most welcome. Plans are also being finalised to work with local schools in organising tours of relevant sites such as Kilmainham Gaol, Glasnevin Cemetery and the conserved Asgard in the National Museum in Collins Barracks. While most of the proposed events will take place next year, there will be a public event in the Marine Hotel in early December at which the preliminary results of the research and further details of the commemoration events will be presented. For more information, contact chairperson Cllr Daire Ni Laoi on 086-3977719, secretary Jeannette Byrne on 087-2643508 or email [email protected]