Lifetime club ban for individual alleged to have attacked referee
Dublin People 27 Oct 2015
THE individual alleged to have physically attacked a referee during a schoolboy soccer match on Saturday has received a lifetime ban from his club.

The incident is alleged to have occurred during a DDSL U-15 game in Tallaght between local side Sacred Heart FC and St Paul’s Artane FC.
The referee, 22-year-old Roy Kavanagh, posted pictures of his injuries on social media, which have been met with widespread revulsion across the schoolboy soccer community.
While gardaí are understood to be investigating the matter, St Paul’s Artane FC posted a statement on their Facebook page last night saying that the individual alleged to have been involved has received a lifetime ban from all activities at the club, with immediate effect.
“His misdemeanours are unacceptable to St Paul’s Artane FC and go against all the beliefs and values of St Paul’s Artane FC,” a statement from the club’s executive committee reads. “We, as a club, strongly and sincerely condemn his actions and we unreservedly apologise to referee Roy Kavanagh.”
It added: “We also apologise to the DDSL executive committee, management committee and the DDSL clubs.
“St Paul’s Artane FC will without hesitation co-operate fully with all investigations into this game and incident.”
The highly respected club has been praised on social media for their swift response to the incident.