Elderly in day care centre plea

Dublin People 08 Dec 2012
Rose Coughlan, pictured with Senator Averil Power (FF), is missing her days out at the care facility at St Gabriel’s.

THE Health Service Executive (HSE) is being urged to find alternative places for elderly Northside residents after a local day care centre closed down.

Up until September, approximately 100 pensioners had been using the facilities provided at St Gabriel’s Nursing Home, Edenmore.

The HSE ran the day care facility with approximately 20 people per day visiting the centre from Monday to Friday.

One of the former service users, Rose Coughlan (83), from Artane, has been left devastated by the closure according to her granddaughter Laura O’Rourke.

Ms O’Rourke told Northside People:

“My grandmother loved attending the day care centre at St Gabriel’s.

“She was very happy there and spent the whole day every Thursday using the excellent facilities.

“She had lunch and dinner, played bingo and they had sing-songs and dances. They also had a mass for them and there was even a hairdresser on site. Transport was also provided to get them to the centre.

“It was such an important part of Rose’s routine and she really looked forward to it every Thursday. Now she’s lost without it.

Ms O’Rourke said her grandmother would love to be going back out on Thursdays.

“She would be delighted if a similar centre opened up in the area as she misses the friends she made,

? she stated.

“It’s not easy for them to call in to each other because of their age and the difficulty in getting around.

Ms O’Rourke added:

“We are looking to get Rose a wheelchair now so we can bring her out for the day to places like Malahide because she’s not getting out at all.

Local Senator Averil Power (FF) has called on the HSE to ensure that alternative day care places are provided for former users of the day care facility at St Gabriel’s Nursing Home without further delay.

“The HSE promised to source alternative services at the time but this has yet to materialise,

? Senator Power told Northside People.

“Many, including Rose Coughlan, now have no social outlet and are facing a lonely winter at home.

Senator Power recently met with Rose to hear how the withdrawal of the service has affected her.

“Rose lives alone, is confined to the house most of the time and relies on home help twice a day,

? she added.

“It was heartbreaking listening to her tell me how much she misses her weekly day out at St Gabriel’s and the friends that she hasn’t seen since the centre closed.

Senator Power has written a letter to the HSE calling on it to find alternative day care places for Rose and the other former users as a matter of urgency.

In a statement, a spokeswoman for the HSE said they were continuing to search for alternative accommodation for the day care centre previously operated at St Gabriel’s and has viewed a number of premises.

“The service is hopeful that a suitable premises will be identified in the near future,

? she told Northside People.

“St Gabriel’s Day Care Centre provided personal care and undertook social activities with the clients.

“Since the closure of the service the HSE has provided additional home care packages for clients who require such care.

St Gabriel’s Nursing Home is now operating under private ownership.

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