Dubliner serves with US Navy Expeditionary Combat Command
Padraig Conlon 30 Aug 2022
Lt. j.g. Alfred Brown, a native of Dublin, and graduate of Larkin Community College, serves the U.S. Navy assigned to Navy Expeditionary Combat Command in support of Navy Expeditionary Combat Command.
Brown joined the Navy eight years ago.
“I joined the Navy to support our nation’s efforts of defending freedoms,” said Brown.
“I also joined to support my education and athletic goals, such as my degree in mechanical engineering from Old Dominion University.”
Brown is grateful to family in Dublin for their support while serving in the military.
“I want to thank my mom and dad for supporting me throughout my journey.
“Dublin taught me the importance of hard work.”
Understanding the value of hard work has helped Brown while serving with the Navy.
Navy Expeditionary Combat Command was established in 2006 and is comprised of 20,000 active and reserve personnel serving around the world.
They bridge the gap between sea and shore and support the fleet and joint force by clearing hazards, securing critical maritime terrain, building infrastructure, and protecting military forces.
NECC includes Navy divers, expeditionary logistics, explosive ordnance disposal, expeditionary intelligence, and the Seabees.
“In many warfare communities across the Navy, there is a lot of focus on platforms and systems – ships, submarines, and aircraft, which are all a very integral part of our maritime force,” said NECC Force Master Chief Rick Straney.
“For us in the expeditionary forces, our people are our weapons system.
They represent an inherently mobile option for commanders to use around the world in a variety of complex, remote, and austere environments.
“We focus a lot of our effort on ensuring our warriors maintain a level of proficiency and readiness that enhances the ability of those larger platforms to do what they do at the time and point of need.”
Serving in the Navy means Brown is part of a team that is taking on new importance in America’s focus on strengthening alliances, modernizing capabilities, increasing capacities and maintaining military readiness in support of the National Defense Strategy.
“The Navy contributes to the National Defense Strategy through its forward presence around the world by deploying our surface ships, submarines and expeditionary forces,” said Brown.
“We provide military and humanitarian support to our allies and defend against our adversaries.”
With more than 90 percent of all trade traveling by sea, and 95 percent of the world’s international phone and internet traffic carried through fiber optic cables lying on the ocean floor, Navy officials continue to emphasize the importance of accelerating America’s advantage at sea.
“Maintaining the world’s best Navy is an investment in the security and prosperity of the United States, as well as the stability of our world,” said Adm. Mike Gilday, Chief of Naval Operations.
“The U.S. Navy—forward deployed and integrated with all elements of national power—deters conflict, strengthens our alliances and partnerships, and guarantees free and open access to the world’s oceans. As the United States responds to the security environment through integrated deterrence, our Navy must continue to deploy forward and campaign with a ready, capable, combat-credible fleet.”
Brown and the sailors they serve with have many opportunities to achieve accomplishments during their military service.
“I joined the Navy when I was 18, so initially my proudest achievement was getting through boot camp,” said Brown.
“At the time there were not the resources available online like there are today, so I was really walking into the unknown.
“More recently, I am proud of getting through Officer Candidate school.
“That was similar to boot camp, in that I wasn’t sure what I was walking into.
“When I graduated, I felt pride in my accomplishment.
“Also, last year I had the opportunity to participate with Seabees during an exercise in California. It was a three-week event where we exercised our ability to conduct expeditionary construction in a tactical environment.
“That was an accomplishment because the exercise required a strong focus and adherence to the mission objectives while performing tactical drills in the field.”
“Serving in the Navy means adherence to the values of honor, courage and commitment.
“Anyone who chooses to commit their life to defending the American people carries these values with them as well.”