People in Dublin call for greater proactivity by the EU to support climate refugees and combat disinformation
Padraig Conlon 01 Apr 2022
People in Dublin gathered last night to discuss and debate issues of importance to them as part of the Conference on the Future of Europe, a Europe-wide initiative to involve people throughout Europe in a debate about the EU’s future challenges and priorities.

The meeting was announced after a series of consultations across the country identified Ireland’s priorities for what Europe should look like going forward.
The meeting, organised by European Movement Ireland and supported by the Department of Foreign Affairs, in the Gresham Hotel in Dublin, was focused in particular on the views of young people, aged 18-30.
EM Ireland is involved in engaging with Irish citizens as part of the Conference on the Future of Europe, a pan-European, bottom-up project to shape and guide political change across the EU.
In relation to the increased spread of disinformation and misinformation, participants called for greater action by the European Union to provide factual information and educational resources to help combat this spread.
Participants also called for greater proactivity by the EU to support climate refugees and for further engagement across EU Member States through delegation networks.

Thomas Byrne T.D., Minister of State for European Affairs and Noelle O’Connell, CEO of European Movement Ireland, pictured prior to the European Movement Ireland Conference on the Future of Europe Town Hall, held in the Gresham Hotel Pic. Robbie Reynolds
Finally, people also recommended consistency on financial cross-border issues, such as taxation, to allow EU citizens to live and move more freely throughout the EU.
Minister of State for European Affairs, Thomas Byrne TD commented:
“It is very positive that this kind of engagement can once again take place in person and I was delighted to engage with people in Dublin at this evening’s event, particularly with young people who will play a key role in shaping the future of our European Union.
“The Conference on the Future of Europe is an unprecedented and valuable opportunity for citizens right across Europe to make their voices heard about the future direction of our Union.
“So, from Gda?sk to Galway, from Vilnius to Virginia, we’re having discussions about the future of our European Union. Ireland has always been a strong advocate for citizen engagement within the EU and we view the Conference in a very positive light.
“Indeed, it is fitting that Ireland is now partaking in a reflection exercise like the Conference as we mark 50 years of Ireland’s membership of the European Union across 2022 and 2023.
“The Conference gives an opportunity to discuss all aspects of EU membership, to assess the benefits, consider what the EU has done well and just as importantly, to identify where there are gaps or where it could do better.”
CEO of EM Ireland, Noelle O Connell commented,
“This town hall meeting in Dublin provided a great opportunity for people who care about the future of Ireland in the EU to engage in a meaningful, open discussion from a variety of different perspectives.
“I was delighted to hear such enthusiastic engagement from young people in Dublin on key issues for Europe’s future. We’re grateful that people are willing to share their time to engage in this process. It is a unique opportunity where people in Ireland can have their voice heard on future opportunities and challenges facing Europe.”