159 quad bikes and scramblers seized in Dublin between 2020 and 2021
Gary Ibbotson 20 Jan 2022
A total of 159 quad bikes and scramblers were seized or detained across Dublin over the 2020-2021 period, a Fine Gael for Dublin Mid-West has said.

Nationally, there were a total of 356 incidents where a vehicle was seized or detained last year – 122 incidents involving quadbikes and 234 incidents involving scramblers.
Deputy Emer Higgins said the illlegal use of these vehicles is “widespread”.
“The sound of scramblers and quads on our roads and public spaces across Dublin Mid-West has become far too familiar.
“We often see young people use these vehicles in ways that are not only dangerous for themselves, but also present a threat to other road users as well as the general public.
“With 159 quadbikes and scramblers seized or detained over the past two years across Dublin, including in our local area, the misuse of these vehicles is widespread.
“I have spoken with constituents who see scramblers and quads on the green areas in their estates, in the fields across from their homes and across local parks.
“I’ve also heard from parents who have seen these vehicles almost knock their children down, while the noise of the bikes is a significant frustration for many people.”
The Government has been criticised for not doing enough to tackle the issue but Deputy Higgins says the coalition has introduced “legislation which will prohibit the use of mechanically propelled vehicles (MPVs) on public land, and also on private land – unless there is explicit permission from the landowner.
“This will put an end to the sights and sounds of quads and scramblers in our local parks and provide peace of mind to people across Dublin Mid-West.
“If a vehicle is used on private land, the Gardai will have the power, with a warrant, to enter private premises and remove a vehicle suspected of having been used contrary to the new ban,” concluded Deputy Higgins.