Students appeal for Support for the Homeless at 38th Annual Belvedere Sleepout
Padraig Conlon 20 Dec 2021
For the past thirty-eight years the people of Ireland have supported the Belvedere Sleep Out for the Homeless raising €114,000 last year.

This year, however, for the second year running, the boys will not be in their usual spot in O’Connell Street due to COVID 19 and are worried that the Appeal will not be as visible this year.
“We usually sleepout under the GPO for the nights of the 22nd and 23rd of December,” said Dylan Jones and Devin Synnott, PRO’s for Sleep Out 2021 and 6th year students at Belvedere.
“This year we will have to sleepout in our back garden.
“There will also be a donation link through our website
“All the funds raised throughout the days of the sleepout go directly to our three charities, Focus Ireland, Peter McVerry Trust and Home Again, who are fighting against Homelessness in Ireland.
“We are asking people to please support us when they see us out collecting.”
“All money goes directly to the charities mentioned.”
As Belvedere College is in the centre of town, the boys see that homelessness is an epidemic that is destroying people’s lives.
Many do a soup run all throughout the year which continually reminds them that behind each statistic is a person with a name.
There are hundreds of homeless young people in Ireland, who not only have to deal with the normal stresses associated with growing up – state exams, school life, social life – but they have to do so without having a place to call home.
Devin and Dylan continued “Our school is run on a policy of “People for others”.
“It’s part of the Jesuit ethos and it’s what has inspired the boys in Belvedere to help others the best they can.
“Last year, with the ever-reliable support of the public, Sleepout20 raised a total of €114,000 and despite everything going on, we hope to top that with Sleepout2021.”