Mayor of South Dublin officially opens new play space at Corkagh Park
Gary Ibbotson 12 Jul 2021
Mayor of South Dublin County Council, councillor Peter Kavanagh officially opened the layspace at Corkagh Park in Clondalkin late last week.

Speaking at the event Mayor Kavanagh said: “Play is recognised as a vital activity for healthy child development.
“Children also need time in nature and the outdoors for their physical and mental wellbeing.
“Whether it is splashing in the water, running through the woodlands or sliding from the highest tower children need play experiences as part of a healthy active childhood.”

Cllr Peter Kavanagh Mayor of South Dublin at the viking slide in the New Corkagh Park Playspace in Clondalkin.
Natural play has benefits for children in terms of increasing mental and physical well-being, developing imagination, and allowing children to assess risk and develop their coping abilities.
The Mayor went on to pay tribute to the local community for their support of the popular Park and Playspace at Corkagh Park and the work of the Council staff in managing the project and maintaining the playspace.