The People’s Letters Page
Padraig Conlon 25 Feb 2021
Here is this week’s People’s Letters Page…

Dear Editor,
It is only a matter of time before the headline “Cyclist falls into traffic to avoid slow moving pedestrian” becomes a reality in the village of Castleknock.
On a daily basis, cyclists use the narrow busy paths as their route through the village.
This is spread across all range of ages, as the practice of cycling on paths becomes prevalent across the country.
The paths in the village of Castleknock can have a clearance as narrow as 12 inches.
But this does not dissuade cyclists from using them with the expectation that pedestrians will simply get out of the way; mainly stepping out into traffic to do so.
The narrative of cyclist as a victim runs across all discussion about cycling in the city.
There is no voice given to pedestrians, or thought given to the fact that since 2015 Gardaí have the power to stop and fine cyclists for cycling in a pedestrianised street or area.
With so many other societal issues, Gardaí, if present, turn a blind eye.
What is surprising is that families who cycle on pavements in busy areas fail to understand not only the law, but also the risk not only to pedestrians but also to their children who may fall out into the busy traffic.
In Castleknock’s case, some simple logical thinking would provide options for safe cycling in various estates that would bring them to their desired destination.
Unfortunately, logic and consideration for pedestrians is far from the minds of cyclists who flout the law.
Yours sincerely,
Noel Kelly
Dear Editor,
I can’t help reflecting on what’s important at this time of a worldwide health crisis!
Less cars on the road, less pollution, less rubbish around our villages.
Maybe nature has a way of telling us that we need to look at what we are doing to our planet?
But also spare a thought for those living with domestic abuse, it is no doubt a worse time for them where work or social interaction offered some solace!
Or those going through sexual, mental or physical abuse, it is no doubt a worse time for them where work or social interaction and school offered some solace!
Spare some time to think of parents struggling with children who are feeling the strain of lockdown!
Spare some time to think of people with disability that are feeling frustrated and helpless!
Spare some time to think of our elderly that are feeling vulnerable!
Also reflect on who are our hero’s at this time, Our GPs, doctors, nurses, ambulance staff, care staff, etc, some of these are on low wages, we depend on them all to keep us safe and well!
Let’s reflect on all those who have come forward and answered Ireland’s call, those who look after our local communities and those in need at this strange time!
We are in strange times, it’s ok to feel anxious, it’s ok to feel afraid, it’s ok to feel insecure, after all we have had our world turned upside down.
Our norms are not as normal for now!
In these strange times we need to keep safe and be kind, help each other where we can, contact friends and family by phone or apps!
We don’t yet know how but we will come through this and hopefully we will be a better and kinder race when we do!
For now, look after yourselves and each other!
When this passes will we have all learned a lesson?
Will we be a bette, kinder and more compassionate country?
There is a lot to reflect on now and will be a lot more when this is over!
For now, stay safe, be kind.
Go raibh maith agat,
Cllr Francis Timmons
Independent Dublin Mid-West
Dear Editor,
The plan for the Oscar Traynor site covered in your 10th February edition is very welcome. The land belongs to the council and we need to build homes that people can realistically afford.
Affordable and social homes are the only solution in a market that is no longer fit for purpouse. The working and middle classes of Dublin are completely squeezed out of the market. Many having to move far from when they grew up. Good hardworking people.
Well done to all the Councillors who came up with this plan, and all those who supported it. They will certainly be in my thoughts come election time.
As a teacher I worry deeply about the struggles that my students will face to stay in the area they grew up in.
Sadly many accept they will have to move from the area when they begin to search for their first home.
It is absolutely heart breaking to see teenagers accept that.
Unfortunately all I can say to them is – maybe things will change in the future and houses will be more afforable.
The proposal for the Oscar Traynor site needs support and funding from central government.
Minister Darragh O’Brien, the ball is in your court now.
Yours faithfully,
Kevin O’Hara
Dear Editor,
The second acquittal of Donald Trump by the US Senate represents an extremely dark and terrifying moment for American democracy.
It may also herald a fear filled and frightening new departure in politics across the Western world.
Because the message coming out of the USA could not be any clearer.
No low act, from inviting foreign powers to interfere in an election to inciting hatred and violence to overthrow the result of that election, is suitably disgusting to permanently prevent a candidate from holding public office.
It is now up to the US Justice Department and state prosecutors to try and succeed where Congress has failed and hold Trump truly accountable.
If they fail, then the US will be at risk of having its democracy attacked by the next blowhard chancer to come along.
Then how long will it be before the contagion spreads throughout other “free” Western democracies?
Yours sincerely,
Gwen O’Callaghan
Dublin 15