Another 103 new cases of Covid-19 confirmed in Dublin
Dale Greenwood 23 Sep 2020
A TOTAL of 103 new cases of Covid-19 have been confirmed in Dublin.

The Health Protection Surveillance Centre has today been informed that two people with Covid-19 have died.
There has now been a total of 1,794 COVID-19 related deaths in Ireland.
As of midnight Tuesday, September 21, the HPSC has been notified of 234 confirmed cases of Covid-19. There is now a total of 33,675 confirmed cases in Ireland.
Dr Ronan Glynn, Acting Chief Medical Officer, Department of Health, said: “The single most important thing that people all across the country need to do now is to reduce their social contacts.
“We all need to cut down on discretionary social activities. Meeting fewer people means fewer opportunities for the virus to transmit. Please prioritise who you choose to meet and try to keep your social network as small as possible.”
Dr Una Fallon, Director of Public Health, HSE Midlands, said: “Covid-19 is highly contagious, and people can be infectious without symptoms. If you are a close contact of a confirmed case please follow the guidelines on and restrict your movements for 14 days – do not go to school or work, do not have visitors to your home, do not go to the shop or pharmacy unless it is absolutely necessary.
“And to everyone, I would urge that you reduce the number of people you are in close contact with.”
Dr Colm Henry, Chief Clinical Officer, HSE, said: “Earlier in this pandemic, we succeeded in flattening the curve through a common purpose and solidarity. Now, we face the more difficult task of suppressing the virus again while trying to protect education and healthcare settings.
“Every time you reduce your contacts, avoid a crowd, or choose to meet outdoors, or remember to keep your distance, know that you are a part of the frontline that protects our doctors, nurses, healthcare workers, and other staff working hard for us all in the Irish healthcare system.”
Professor Philip Nolan, Chair of the NPHET Irish Epidemiological Modelling Advisory Group, said: “While 14-day incidence and daily incidence have stopped rising in the last few days, it is too early to conclude that there has been any change in the pattern of disease. The reproduction number over the last two weeks remains high, at between 1.5 and 1.7, growth rate between 5 and 6.1, and doubling time between 12 and 14 days.
“If we are starting to suppress the virus again, it is essential that we maintain this effort: limit our social contacts, limit mixing between households. The next ten days are critical.