Irish arts audiences returning to pre-Covid levels
Dublin People 04 Feb 2025
The Arts Council has published new research that indicates Irish arts audiences are returning to pre-Covid levels.

Findings from the annual Arts Insights survey indicate that 83% of Irish people had attended at least one arts event in the previous 12 months, up 11% on 2023, when this figure stood at 72%.
59% of people attended events in artforms traditionally funded by the Arts Council in 2024, which excludes attendance at films, musicals, stand-up comedy, and country, rock or popular music. This is up from 51% in 2023.
The survey results represent a return to pre-Covid levels of arts attendance. In 2018, 82% of people indicated that they had attended at least one arts event, while 60% indicated that they attended events in artforms traditionally funded by the Arts Council.
Established in 2018, the purpose of Arts Insights is to establish rigorous statistical measures on the Irish public’s attitudes and behaviours relating to arts and culture; and how these correspond with other consumer and lifestyle behaviours.
For the 2024 survey, in-person interviews with a nationally representative sample of over 1,000 adults ages 16+ were carried out by Ipsos B&A, on behalf of the Arts Council.
Responses to the survey highlighted that the cost of activities and value for money are key concerns for audiences when deciding whether to attend arts events.
44% of those who said they wish they could attend the arts more often say that cost is a barrier. This figure is up from 39% in 2023.
39% of respondents said they were ‘extremely satisfied’ with the value for money offered by their most recent experience attending an arts event. This is significantly down on the 2018 figure of 50%.
The survey results also highlight concerns around equality of access to arts experiences. Only 12% of respondents strongly agreed that ‘there are equal opportunities for everyone living in Ireland to attend and participate in the arts regardless of class, age, ethnicity, disability, etc.’. 31% of those who wish they could attend the arts more often say that there is limited choice or poor quality of this type of event where they live.
Director of the Arts Council, Maureen Kennelly, said: “The evidence, through Arts Insight, that attendance at arts events in Ireland has returned to pre-Covid levels is hugely welcomed. I would like to commend all the hard work by artists and arts organisations to engage new and returning audiences after the profound impact of the pandemic on the arts sector.
Increased levels of arts investment by the government have played a pivotal role in supporting the sector through the challenges of the past few years, but it is clear from the survey findings that cost and economic factors remain key barriers to arts attendance.
The Arts Insight survey results are hugely valuable in guiding our work to develop a more diverse and inclusive arts landscape where everyone has an opportunity to participate.
We look forward to discussing the results of the survey with others in the sector and in government in the coming weeks as we continue our work together to develop the arts sector for artists and audiences alike.”