Additional classrooms for St Teresa’s Primary School, Balbriggan
Dale Greenwood 31 Aug 2020
LOCAL Fianna Fáil Minister Darragh O’Brien has welcomed confirmation which he received from the Department of Education that four permanent mainstream classrooms have been approved for St Teresa’s Primary School in Balbriggan to replace existing prefabs.

An additional permanent mainstream classroom has been approved along with two special educational needs classrooms and a special education teachers’ room and ancillary space.
Minister O’Brien said: “I am very glad of today’s announcement by Minister Foley. I know the Department of Education is facing huge challenges in ensuring the safe return to school for all our students this week and it is all the more important that works commence as soon as possible on the additional classrooms.
“Now more than ever it is essential that schools can provide a comfortable and spacious environment to accommodate each and every child. I know these additional classrooms will be of great benefit to the pupils and teachers and offer parents some peace of mind in these worrying times.
“I have long called for special needs education to be treated with the priority it deserves across our education system. I believe the two new special educational needs classrooms in St Teresa’s along with the special education teacher’s room will go some way to ensuring our more vulnerable pupils are given every opportunity to excel in their education.
“Finally, I would like to commend Principal O’Mahony, the Board of Management, Parents Association, the teachers, parents and students who have fought for this,” concluded Minister O’Brien.