Farrell calls for independent audit of Airport passenger numbers
Mike Finnerty 26 Feb 2024
Fine Gael TD Alan Farrell has called on Minister for Transport Éamon Ryan to order an independent audit of how Dublin Airport counted passenger numbers last year.

The Dublin Fingal East TD said he has “serious concerns” regarding the methodology currently being employed by the Dublin Airport Authority (DAA), with regard to the recording of passenger numbers.
The cap on passenger numbers at Dublin Airport has become a contentious political issue recently, with some calling for the current passenger cap of 32 million to be raised to 40 million.
Local residents have objected to the airport cap being raised, and have accused the DAA of deviating from the flight path set out by An Bord Pleanalá
In his letter to Ryan, Farrell wrote “we must recognise that critical State infrastructure, such as Dublin Airport, must adhere to the law.”
“We must also recognise that the DAA operates under strict procedures set out by the planning permission that was granted to the DAA for Terminal 2, which stipulates a passenger cap of 32 million passengers per year.
He said that “questionable” interpretations of passenger count methods and lack of forward planning have led to the current war of words over the passenger cap.
“Far from being the victim of policy and regulations, it appears the DAA are victims of their own failure to implement coherent forward planning within the current framework.”
He said that the DAA have “painted themselves into a corner.”
“They and others, now appear to have taken the approach of inferring economic loss in order to get what they want.”
He stated that the DAA failed to foresee growth in the aviation sector since the pandemic would be halted by existing planning conditions.
“While I welcome the positive economic impact that Dublin Airport has on the Irish economy, I am uncomfortable with the DAA’s attempts to paint individuals with valid questions over the expansion of the passenger cap to 40 million per annum, as anti-jobs and anti-investment.”
He highlighted An Bord Pleanalá’s inspector’s report, published in 2020, which highlights the issues of passenger counting at Dublin Airport in relation to planning conditions.
“The DAA have frequently attempted to interpret both these planning conditions and EU Regulation with regard to how passengers are counted.”
“It is abundantly clear from figures reported by DAA in January 2024, that a halt on growth of Dublin Airport is inevitable, is unavoidable and represents a clear and abject failure of the authority to manage its business, on behalf of the Irish people.”
“I encourage Minister Ryan to ensure an independent audit takes place at the airport to get the correct facts here,” he said.