Historic day for Transplant Sport Island
Dublin People 10 Dec 2024
Friday December 6th was a historic day for Transplant Sport Ireland (TSI) with an official handover of the Sports Programme from the Irish Kidney Association.

TSI committee members attended Donor House in Dublin where Team Manager Harry Ward and IKA CEO Carol Moore signed official documents making TSI the representative body for transplant sport in Ireland.
“This begins an exciting era with an athlete-led organisation. TSI would like to thank all those members involved in the process over the last two and a half years, expertly led by Chairperson Trevor Lynch and assisted by Olive Cummins (IKA) Colin White (IKA). TSI would like to express our thanks the IKA for their guidance and support in helping us to this stage,” they said.
Transpant Sport Ireland are currently recruiting members, you can join by filling an Expression of Interest form which is available on the link on their social media pages or by emailing [email protected].
“We are thrilled that over 100 people have responded so far and we look forward to welcoming many more transplanted athletes, those on dialysis or waiting on a transplant and their supporters.”
“There are lots of exciting things happening in Transplant Sport 2025 with something for every one. TSI will be sending a team to the European Football Cup, in Oxford, scheduled for April. The British Transplant Games takes place in Oxford from Thursday 31 July – Sunday 3 August and this is a good opportunity for athletes to take part in a weekend of competition. There are 26 sporting events on offer here, as well as competitions for U18 and Living Donors. It’s no wonder over 1000 people enjoy this event annually. The World Transplant Games will be held in Dresden on August 17th -24th Here, transplanted athletes and teams from 60 countries will enjoy a week of competition and camaraderie, competing in 17 different sports over 6 days. We are also looking forward to the 40th Anniversary of the Service of Remembrance in honour of all donors”
“Transplant Sport Ireland will be organising Meet Ups and Training sessions in the near future. We encourage transplant recipients and those on dialysis to lead an active lifestyle, thereby celebrating the gift of life through sport. Most importantly, TSI is dedicated to raising awareness of Organ Donation and continuing to remember and honour organ donors and their families. Visit our social media pages and website transplantsportireland.ie for all news.”