Mayor of South Dublin launches Charter on those seeking international protection
Padraig Conlon 23 May 2024
Following a successful information initiative aimed at correcting myths about those seeking international protection, Mayor of South Dublin, Alan Edge, launched a Charter on Those Seeking Asylum at an event at Tallaght Stadium yesterday evening.
The Charter has to date been signed up to by 77 community groups countywide.
The Charter reads:
We, in South Dublin, welcome refugees and those seeking international protection, just as Irish migrants have been welcomed the world over for centuries.
We support them becoming valued members of our communities and we recognise their contribution to our civic life.
We will do our best to help them flourish, prosper and thrive.
We recognise that it is legal to seek asylum, an issue of basic human rights and of human dignity.
We will take a stand against false and misleading information that people seeking asylum are a security issue or a threat.
We commit to helping those seeking international protection to live in peace and safety.
We pledge to treat others the way we want to be treated.
We recognise that migration to Ireland is a net positive in economic and societal terms.
We will strive to ensure better living conditions, in terms of housing and healthcare, for everybody, wherever they happen to have been born.
Mayor Alan Edge said; “It is important in the context of discussions about immigration policy and resources that we don’t lose sight of the fact that these are people we are talking about, often very vulnerable people.
“The right to seek international protection is fundamental. We all have it. It’s really a question of human dignity.
“The Irish people understand migration, it is in our DNA.
“The Charter is a recognition of that and a commitment to treat others as we would wish to be treated, with humanity, dignity and fairness.”

The Mayor of SDCC Cllr Alan Edge with South Dublin County Partnership and South Dublin Volunteer Centre. Picture by Lafayette Photography.
Sandra Mpofu said; “Volunteering in Ireland has been a transformative experience for me, significantly aiding my integration into the community and of course leading me to getting a job and contributing to Ireland’s GDP .
“I am now employed by the Volunteer centre as a Development officer supporting volunteer organisations and in creating inclusive volunteering spaces within their organisations through a project called THRIVE.
“My volunteering journey has been very important to me through volunteering l have had the opportunity to connect with local people, learn about Irish culture and contribute to the society in meaningful ways.
“Volunteering has provided me with a sense of purpose and belonging and l have developed lasting friendships and valuable skills.
“The generosity and inclusivity of the Irish community have made my volunteering journey incredibly rewarding and l am deeply grateful for the chance to give back to the country that offered me refuge, support, family and friends after leaving everything that l had behind.”
The Mayor also added; “In addition to the community groups who have signed up, a broad range of elected representatives and candidates from across the political spectrum have also pledged their support.
“We need a united front to ensure that while we address the fundamental problems in our society -lack of housing, lack of access to public services – that we don’t permit the scapegoating of people coming to Ireland to claim a basic human right, the right to claim asylum.”
John Kiberd, of Stepping Stones Forests, one of the signatories, said: “I’m absolutely delighted to sign the Mayor’s Charter.
“As a once poor country whose people were forced to forge new lives in other countries, I am delighted that Ireland is now in a position to provide refuge and a home for less fortunate people from other countries.
“I have some personal experience how some of these people that are new to our shores have contributed very positively to their new communities.”
The Charter follows a Fact vs Fiction info sheet which was delivered to 70,000 homes across the County, a joint initiative between the Mayor, South Dublin County Partnership, The South Dublin Volunteer Centre and South Dublin County Council.
The document aimed to counter some of the myths surrounding those seeking international protection.