“Sale of Rathmines Post Office cannot go ahead”
Padraig Conlon 05 Apr 2024
On Good Friday, alongside Ivana Bacik TD, Labour Councillors Fiona Connelly and Dermot Lacey hosted a public meeting as part of their campaign to save Rathmines Post Office.
Cllr Fiona Connelly, who represents the Kimmage-Rathmines Ward said:
“At last night’s meeting, we heard from dozens of local people who passionately explained what this vital public service means to them.
“Whether it is with people collecting parcels, paying bills, or collecting their pension, the post office is always busy.
“Queues out the door are a regular sight.
“An Post should not be allowed to franchise out the service and sell off the iconic building.
“In recent years, we have already seen the removal of public amenities in Rathmines, such as the in-person Citizens Information Service.
“The removal of services doesn’t mean the need for those services goes away.
“Our meeting heard that people are being forced to go to their local garda station since the Citizens Information Centre here closed because they are unable to use the online service; that is just not an acceptable way to treat our community.
“The post office has been servicing this area for 90 years – we want to see it continue to do so for another 90 years, and beyond.
“There was a fantastic energy at our meeting. Dermot, Ivana and I will work with those who came, as well as the countless others who have contacted us already, to ensure that we see all current postal services remain, and to keep the building in public ownership.”
Cllr Dermot Lacey, who represents the Pembroke Ward, said:
“This planned selling off affects more than just the community of Rathmines. The art deco post office building, which is probably the second most iconic after the GPO, serves communities all around South Dublin. The residents of those communities, and the staff working in the post office, are being treated with contempt.
“We must work together to say ‘no more’.
“Both An Post and the Government appear to be on a mission to diminish services belonging to all of us. We need to hear from the Minister for Communications Eamon Ryan TD on this; he is a local representative for this area.
“Yet, he has not engaged with residents’ serious concerns about local postal services.
“It is incredible that An Post would look to sell a building it already owns – effectively selling so that it can pay someone else to run a service it should be providing.
“Selling off a public asset in this way is not only contrary to the public sector duty, itis a bad business decision too.
“On Dublin City Council, Fiona and I have taken a proactive approach, asking questions and putting down motions.
“People power is how we will win this. We are now asking those who want to get involved in our campaign to get in contact, spread the word among neighbours, and make their voices heard by writing to An Post and their local government party representatives.”