South Dublin County Council Mini Woodlands
Padraig Conlon 22 Feb 2024
South Dublin County Council in conjunction with The Stepping Stone Forest Group, Dodder Action Group, Cairde Pháirce Thigh Motháin – Friends of Tymon Park and Clondalkin Tidy Towns, will plant in excess of 16,000 native mini woodland trees and ground cover plants as part of their Mini Woodland projects across South Dublin County in Tymon Park, Dodder Valley Park and Corkagh Park.

What are Mini Woodlands?
Mini Woodlands are a small, dense, rapid-growing plantations of entirely native species in an urban setting.
They are sometimes referred to as ‘Stepping-Stone-Forests’ as they assist wildlife in moving from one area to another, encouraging genetic diversity as well as providing a natural refuge in urban areas.
It is based on the high-density planting method developed by international award-winning botanist Prof. Akira Miyawaki, who started planting mini woodlands in the 1970s.
Using native species mini woodlands are designed to mimic a natural habitat with a canopy tree layer, a sub-tree layer, a shrub layer, and a ground layer.
This is a two-step project; the first step is to add cardboard and mulch to the ground to suppress weeds.
The second is the planting of small trees in early spring of each year. SDCC supplies the land, mulch, and trees, while the community groups contribute their labour.
The first mini woodland trial was planted in November 2021 in Sean Walsh Park in Tallaght by members of the local litter-picking group Tallaght Litter Mugs where 900 native trees were planted (video to planting day here
Since then there have been 20,000 mini woodland trees planted across the County in 36 locations (public and private lands) with 1,500 volunteers being involved.
The volunteers that have been involved to date range from schools, corporate companies, colleges, sports clubs, elected members, government TDs, local volunteer groups, residents, park users and community environmental groups.
What are the Benefits?
Mini woodlands offer a range of benefits: they provide shelter and food for wildlife, including nesting birds, pollinators, and other insects. Additionally, theses woodlands connect wildlife corridors, facilitating safe passage for various flora and fauna vegetation.
Furthermore, the woodlands play a crucial role in mitigating biodiversity loss by creating diverse habitats that support genetic diversity and aid in the movement of species.
They also contribute to climate change mitigation through carbon sequestration and help mitigate flooding and soil erosion through water retention, absorption, and root growth.
When is planting happening?
Over three successive weekends in March 2024 16,000 mini woodland trees will be planted as follows:
1st & 2nd March 2024 4,000 mini woodland trees will be planted in Dodder Valley Park by community volunteers led by Dodder Action group.
8th & 9th of March 4,000 mini woodland trees will be planted in Corkagh Park by community volunteers led by Clondalkin Tidy Towns. Location:
15th & 16th of March 8,000 mini woodland trees in Tymon Park by community volunteers led by Cairde Pháirc Thigh Motháin – Friends of Tymon Park, this will be the largest mini woodland planted to date on one site. Location:
For more information on mini woodlands please visit our mini woodland page which includes a ‘how to guide for planting mini woodlands’ Mini Woodlands – SDCC.
Link to YouTube Video on SDCC MiniWoodlands: