852 homes approved for Dundrum Mental Hospital site
Gary Ibbotson 09 Jun 2023
The Land Development Agency (LDA) has been granted planning permission for 852 affordable and social homes on the grounds of the former Central Mental Hospital in Dundrum.
Approved by An Bord Pleanala, the development will go-ahead but with 125 less homes than originally planned.
The LDA was established in 2018 with the aim to develop homes on property owned by the State.
Under the Housing for All masterplan, the LDA also works with developers to build affordable homes on private lands.
It currently has plans to deliver 8,000 new homes by 2026.
The LDA originally applied to construct 977 homes on the Dundrum land under the since-scrapped fast-track planning scheme.
Although the final number of units was reduced, the LDA said it welcomed the decision to approve the “much-needed” homes.
Local residents, businesses and sports club were consulted with before planning permission was sought with some local groups still objecting to the scheme.
A judicial review of the case can still be taken but it must be filed within eight weeks of the decision being handed down.
The buildings will range from two to seven storeys in height, instead of the originally proposed 14 storeys while the project will consist of social homes, affordable rental, and affordable purchase homes.
The housing mix will include family homes, starter homes and homes suitable for older people.
The scheme will also consist of a community centre with indoors sports facilities and childcare, aa medical centre, a café, retail units and a public plaza.
In 2021, LDA CEO John Coleman said the plan for the site “balances the desire to create a significant housing development, delivering much needed affordable homes for people of all ages, while also integrating successfully with the neighbouring community.
“The Dundrum Central site will not only deliver housing, but just as importantly will provide a place for people to enjoy their surroundings, with public spaces, community infrastructure and opportunities for enterprise development.
The Central Mental Hospital closed in March last year after originally opening in 1852. Patients were relocated to a new €200 million campus in Portrane.