Long delayed Lucan project could be given the go ahead
Gary Ibbotson 14 Dec 2022
The long delayed Esker Embankment project could be soon become a reality after South Dublin County Council briefed councillors about plans to develop the route.

Sinn Fein councillor Derren O Brádaigh said if given the go-ahead, the scheme will increase the permeability of Lucan and environs.
“The area in question extends between the estates of Castle Riada and Moy Glas in Lucan and is part of the meandering glacial ridgeline or ‘Esker’ formed thousands of years ago,” he says.
“Unfortunately, this wonderful natural land piece is overgrown, unkempt and the scene of some anti-social behaviour and illegal dumping down the years.
“A scheme was brought to ‘Part 8’ in 2012 with construction approved by the National Transport Authority (NTA).
“However, because of some amendments brought by councillors at the time, the NTA declined to pursue the project as they felt the permeability was compromised.”
O Brádaigh says the project will ultimately make walking and cycling more safe for local residents.
“Promoting active travel and related projects that encourage walking, cycling and improved connectivity has become an important aspect of local authority planning now, and the Esker Embankment is just one such project being examined,” he says.
“The aim at this location is ultimately to provide safer accessibility and improve the general aesthetics, through a well-designed and publicly lit up route, that could see further connectivity via Glen Vale and Foxborough and beyond.
“It is envisaged that this public realm project could see up to a potential €1m investment on this project in the local area.
“The next steps will require agreeing a format with elected representatives and stakeholders, with a high-level concept being brought back to the NTA, whereby safety, accessibility, inclusivity, and permeability objectives will come under prior scrutiny before agreement. “
A recent door-to-door survey conducted by O Brádaigh found that local residents were largely in favour of the development.
“Earlier in the Summer, both the local Sinn Féin team and myself conducted a door knock as part of our routine courtesy canvasses with residents in all of the estates immediately near or close to the Esker,” he says.
“I have continued to keep people informed of developments for this scheme over the past two years.
“The feedback toward the project was one of interest and generally supportive.
“Importantly, there must be a full and open public consultation involving residents nearby, to best inform and work for an overall positive public realm improvement that satisfies the needs of all concerned.”