Lack of infrastructure and population growth putting strain on Adamstown, cllr says
Gary Ibbotson 09 Nov 2022The ever-growing population and the lack of available car parking spaces in Adamstown is causing a congestion problem in the area, according to local councillor Sinn Fein Derren Ó Brádaigh.
Ó Brádaigh was speaking following a canvas of 1,100 households in Adamstown which found that residents were concerned about the absence of infrastructure in the community.
“During the month of October Sinn Féin conducted door knocks on five separate dates, engaging with residents in the existing parts of Castlegate and Adamstown long taken in charge by the council,” Ó Brádaigh said.
“The homes we covered were constructed over a decade ago, with the continued Adamstown Strategic Development Zone (SDZ) construction, now giving rise to a rapidly increasing population and the demand for services such as GP’s, basic healthcare and childcare becoming acute.
“Lack of car parking space also featured prominently during conversations and in the context of infrastructural needs,” he said.
According to Ó Brádaigh, the National Transport Authority says that the number of parking spaces in Adamstown is adequate for needs of the wider area.
“This is an issue that is regularly raised with me by residents, and I have conveyed these concerns to the council,” he says.
“In response, SDCC reference the National Transport Authority’s strategic plan for the greater Dublin area and parking provision guidelines of applying car parking space based upon the level of public transport accessibility.
“The County Development Plan (CDP) states that Adamstown has a layout which allows for sustainable forms of transport and therefore the provision of parking spaces is appropriate.
“An objective of the SDZ is that Adamstown be designed to accommodate, but not be dominated by the car.
“This is a planning principle that I support and recognise, if we are serious about climate awareness and our environment.”
Ó Brádaigh says that while he accepts and supports the NTA’s policy of promoting the use of public transport, he says that the required complimentary infrastructure has still not been developed.
“Car parking space shortages generally are becoming more acute in the Adamstown SDZ,” he says.
“This in my view, is because of the delay in essential services being realised in real time, such as nearby childcare, new road openings, and absence of bus routes.
Ó Brádaigh says that train carriages at peak times are “overstretched” while the demand for new school places is “sending children further afield to surrounding schools.
“This is being compounded by the current housing crisis, that is resulting in larger tenancy numbers in many dwellings, all bringing with it more cars and car dependency,” he says.
“Lucan West has a large working population with many young families.
“We know that there are a lot of healthcare workers living locally, working shift hours, and often arriving home late and unable to get parking.
“In some instances, this has led to tensions and disputes between neighbours.
“If we are to ever achieve the modal shift from private car to public transport that we all aspire to, then we need to address the immediate service needs, changing dynamics and challenges of new communities as they emerge.”