‘Several nights of violence’ in Cherry Orchard as residents call for help
Gary Ibbotson 27 Jan 2022
Cherry Orchard residents are calling on the Gardaí to ‘get control’ of the increasing level of violence in the area.

Residents say that there have been several incidents of anti-social behaviour and criminal activity over the past few nights and are scared for their safety.
Sinn Fein councillor for the area Daithí Doolan said that cars are being robbed and then being used for joy-riding and before being burnt out.
“I visited residents tonight to stand with them and support them at this difficult time.
“I witnessed at first hand the terror local families have to endure on a nightly basis. The community feels isolated and abandoned.
“This can not be allowed to continue,” he said.
“I was assaulted by one of the people involved in the so called ‘joy riding’.
“This is unacceptable and only feeds in to a sense of lawlessness and abandonment for those who had to witness the attack.
“The community is being held to ranson by a small minority.
The Gardaí must get control of the situation.”
Doolan says that he has written to fellow councillors and the management team seeking an urgent meeting on Friday to discuss the situation.
“The meeting must be focused on how we can work together to support residents at this difficult time and demand, in one strong voice, increased Garda numbers for Ballyfermot,” he says.
“Ballyfermot Garda Station must be upgraded to a full station with all the resources that it requires.”