‘Legislation to allow for e-scooters on Irish roads a significant step forward’ says Southside TD
Padraig Conlon 20 Oct 2021
Dublin South West TD John Lahart says he welcomes the publication of the Road Traffic and Roads Bill 2021.

The Fianna Fáil TD described the Bill is a ‘wide-ranging and significant piece of legislation and will deliver on key legislative commitments in the Programme for Government’ which include:
E-scooters – a new class of powered personal transporters (PPTs), including e-scooters, will be created, and the Minister will be able to provide for the use of these vehicles in public places under existing regulatory powers.
Laws to deal with dangerous and antisocial off-road use of scramblers, quads and other similar vehicles will be strengthened.
Legislation to support the newly installed dynamic traffic management on the M50.
The Bill also contains a variety of other measures which will enhance safety on our roads and help to make public transport and active transport more attractive.
“The publication of this Bill is a significant step on the way to improving safety on our roads.
“Resolving legal barriers to the use of e-scooters, as well as e-bikes was one of a number of key commitments contained in the Programme for Government and something I’ve campaigned strongly for,” Deputy Lahart said.
“I look forward to reading the Bill in its detail and to debating it in the House.
“My colleagues and I in Fianna Fáil have long recognised the fact that e-scooters offer a green alternative to commuters making short journeys and have the potential to reduce congestion along with emissions.
“Currently there are no safety rules governing their use which contrasts sharply with our EU counterparts.
“As we continue to battle this pandemic, many people throughout the country are crying out for an alternative to public transport.
“I firmly believe that e-scooters could greatly enhance the commuter experience, reduce our culture of reliance on the private car and open opportunities for active and healthy travel, ”concluded Deputy Lahart.