Council files for planning permission for €1.29m Tymon Park centre
Gary Ibbotson 25 Jun 2021
The proposed Tymon Park intergenerational centre is one step closer to being a reality after South Dublin County Councillors voted to file for planning permission for the project.

Plans for the development originally came to light earlier this year with a budget of €1.29m being assigned for its construction.
Last week, councillors unanimously approved a motion to file for planning permission for the centre.
According to the council, the intergenerational centre will be a single-storey building and will include a multi-functional community space, café, kitchen, bathrooms, storage spaces and an outdoor seating area.
Cark parking and bicycle parking will also be facilitated with additional landscape, planting and surface renewal works.
A public consultation on the proposal drew five submissions, each of which were considered by the council.
The local authority said that the cycle parking capacity has been increased from the original plans and that the toilets will be accessible from the park as an outside facing door will be installed.
The initial proposal to develop a large function room has since been scrapped and has been replaced with a facility that “is designed for use of small to medium sized groups that require a flexible space for community-type use.”
The project has received widespread praise from representatives with Green Party councillor Laura Donaghy saying: “All of our community facilities need to be inclusive and accessible for older people, but the past 18 months illustrate how easily groups can end up isolated.
“This investment is a wonderful project for the county in general and Templeogue in particular, taking a pro-active approach to keeping people of all generations welcome and involved in their own communities.
“I fully support the project and the intention behind it and hope to see it replicated across the county and beyond.”
Deputy Lord Mayor of South Dublin County David McManus (FG) said he “strongly welcomes,” the centre.
“Feedback has been very positive as the centre is designed to accommodate all within our community and for a wide range of functions,” he says.
“The design provides for a multi-functional community space, a cafe with indoor and outdoor seating and an outdoor terrace sheltered by a canopy, which can provide space for outdoor cinema and other live events.
“I believe we have learnt from the COVID-19 pandemic to especially value our public spaces and this centre will create a vibrant meeting point for the whole community of South County Dublin.”
Independent councillor Alan Edge said that “it’s a credit to the hard work of all involved over a number of years… It will be a superb amenity for the entire community.
“We need more like it.”
If planning permission is granted, the centre will be located facing onto Wellington Lane car park in Templeogue.