LDA needs to consult local Dundrum residents says representatives
Gary Ibbotson 01 Mar 2021
Dundrum residents should be consulted by the Land Development Agency before construction at the Central Mental Hospital site begins, a Sinn Fein representative has said.

Shaun Tracey was speaking yesterday after seven residents’ associations jointly wrote to An Taoiseach to express their concerns about the site’s development.
“Sinn Féin wants to see residential development on the Central Mental Hospital Site and we see this site as crucial for the delivery of social and affordable homes to rent and buy to help alleviate the housing crisis in Dún Laoghaire Rathdown.
“However, we have many concerns regarding the establishment of the Land Development Agency.
“We are particularly concerned about the lack of commitment to an appropriate amount of social and affordable homes on public land that the LDA is set to develop including the Central Mental Hospital site.
“We also share many of the concerns expressed by the Residents’ Associations letter to An Taoiseach this week and I would urge the LDA to engage in proper and meaningful dialogue and consultation with these groups and to take on board there genuine concerns,” he said.
Tracey says that not enough consideration has been given to the impact the development will have on local amenities.
“For example, the Luas is already at capacity at peak times outside of lockdown periods, and passengers simply cannot board trams at during these hours.
“Add to that the lack of bus services since the introduction of the Luas and we have a major problem with public transport even before these developments are completed.
“I am seriously concerned to see plans to build an entrance road to the development through the green area in Rosemount.
“This is one of the few green spaces in the area, is vitally important to the Rosemount and the wider Community particularly given the good work of Rosemount/Mulvey Football Club.”
Tracey says that the LDA are other developers are taking advantage of the Strategic Housing Development process and bypassing local planning laws.
“Many of the developments that are getting planning permission are in breach of democratically approved local area plans, particularly when it comes to building heights.
“Dún Laoghaire Rathdown County Council currently has its County Development Plan out for public consultation, but many people are now asking if there is any point in making submissions as developers have been given carte blanche by this Government to bypass local planning laws.
“I offer my and my party’s full support to the Residents Associations who have expressed their concerns about the development of the Central Mental Hospital site and the approach by the LDA.”