South Dublin County Council considering new Teenspace for Citywest
Gary Ibbotson 22 Feb 2021
South Dublin County Council is considering introducing a Teenspace, a place where teenagers can meet up, in Citywest.

In response to a question tabled by local councillor Charlie O’Connor, the chief executive of the council said queries regarding the development of a Teenspace have been received by the local authority.
“Public Realm are looking at the possibility of including a Teenspace in Citywest in next years Teenspace Programme,” the chief executive said.
“We have had some representations from locals regarding a Teenspace and we are considering suitable locations.
“Public Realm have also been in contact with the community department and sports partnership to see how any Teenspace may be supported by existing youth programmes and if resources could be allocated for training teens on the use of the equipment as is planned for our other Teenspaces.
“This could be a very important factor in the success of any Teenspace.
“A report will be brought to the area committee in Q2 2021 for the approval of councillors.”
Construction on the first Teenspace in south Dublin began in Collinstown Park, Clondalkin last year with the mayor at the time, Ed O’Brien saying “location is key to providing meeting places for teenagers.
“It needs to be a place to be seen and that will bring life and youth culture into the area”.